read more... project lunedì 23 gennaio 2017 Forgotten Explorers An Interactive Storytelling project based on WebGL category: Art Generative Interaction tags: 3d, Algorithm, storytelling, WebGL
read more... project lunedì 05 dicembre 2016 WebGL Selection a selection of experiments with Three.js category: Art Generative Interaction tags: 3d, three.js, WebGL
read more... project martedì 11 novembre 2014 Landscapes From simple rules to complex landscapes category: Generative tags: 3d, render engine, sunflow
read more... project mercoledì 22 ottobre 2014 easySunflow A user interface for Sunflow Render engine. category: Application tags: 3d, render engine
read more... project mercoledì 11 settembre 2013 Generative Art with Structure Synth A selection of images generated in Structure Synth category: Generative tags: 3d, structuretsynth, sunflow
read more... project sabato 11 novembre 2006 Urban BEATS Video for One Minute Suite category: Art Video tags: 3d, c4d, videominuto